Guest Blog Post: Running a business off blood, sweat and that dirty newspaper in your driveway
As a supporting partner of the 2015 Purpose conference we were invited to write a guest blog post about an element of running a small business we work hard on – being environmentally conscious. Purpose brings together purpose-diven individuals to talk about reinventing their role of brands and organisations to be purpose driven.
It’s rare that someone wakes up one day and says to themselves “I’m going to make a profitable and ethical business. Now, what should I make/do/supply?” Instead it tends to go the other way around – I have an idea, a product, something that fills a consumer need. But I also have personal values and beliefs that will ultimately dictate how I want to run my business. The challenge becomes that still in this day and age, meaningful doesn’t always equal monetary, and sustainability doesn’t always match consumer demands.

Some decisions may seem small, but the overall impact can be substantial. We also work to remind ourselves that any single decision is not necessarily tied to a single project, customer or order, but it will inform how we move forward and do things in the future.
Update: Original blog post deleted by source website